Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Something Out of the Blue

Michael recently went to a conference in D.C. for work and a few weeks before he left, I thought...I'm going to make him a care package to take with him! It has been awhile since I've done something crafty so I decided to put together a "Something out of the blue" care package filled with lots of goodies for him to enjoy while traveling through the airport or relaxing in his hotel room or  to take along while touring the city in his free time.

While searching the web, I got the feeling people have the idea in their head that care packages are only for specific life events or college students or military personnel or long distant relationships, but I beg to differ. As many of you know, I enjoy crafty, DIY projects and I love making people feel special in weird, quirky ways. And I think we can all admit, it's always a nice feeling to know someone is thinking of you, even if you're not necessarily miles and miles apart. :) Oh, and I love bending the "rules" a bit by creating something out of the ordinary when least expected. I'm sure Michael loves it too. ;) Check out my interpretation of this something out of the blue care package. Hope you enjoy and possibly find inspiration to create your own for someone in your life! 

WARNING: I may have taken this whole blue thing too seriously and went a little overboard on the color, forgive me. ;)

Something out of the blue, to show that I love you! Awww, how sweeeet! <3 ;)

I added hints of orange since that's his favorite color and it added a nice pop to all the blue.
I inserted a little looooove note too. This is optional, of course! :D

The good stuff!!
Unless the recipient is receiving the care package in the same day, it's hard to find semi-healthy items to put into these, but who doesn't love to indulge every once in awhile?! I tried staying true to the blue theme, but found it difficult at times. Although, I did manage to fit items like mac&cheese, cheese puffs, gum, oreos, beef jerky and more in the box - all TSA approved (since he took it on a plane with him!)

Thursday, April 21, 2016

Latest Shenanigans

Greetings from me to you! :)

I haven't written in some time and I thought I'd share the latest happenings going on in my life. It's been a busy few weeks since I last wrote. I cannot believe it's already mid-April -- where has the time gone?! (Now that I'm getting older, I'll probably never stop saying those words...and so it begins ;) haha.)

Less than a month ago all of us kids were under the same roof -- I'm sure mom and dad were thrilled to have all of us home, plus the grand babies. Talk about Fuller House! ;) Both Sue and her kiddos, as well as Becca and her munchkins, were able to visit during the end of March and we got to celebrate the Easter season together.

This was the most successful picture of all the grandkids haha..

I thought the photo turned out well for three kids, all under the age of two. ;)

Work is going really well. And I feel like I'm becoming more comfortable and confident in my position. I can't say enough about my co-workers and the company as a whole. There's never a dull moment at Red Letter. It's a great feeling to actually enjoy going to work and doing what you do. Recently, we enjoyed a "Red Letter Family Style Buffet" where we brought in a family recipe of our choice and enjoyed it together, like any family would. Me having such a sweet tooth, chose to bring my Grandma Seyer's angel food cake with caramel icing. It may not have tasted exactly like grandma's but dang, it was close! I chose this dish because to this day, it's the dessert I always look forward to at family gatherings and grandma never fails to bring it. :) It was so neat to share my story behind its' significance and now I know exactly how to make it! Side note: this is one of those recipes written on a post-it note buried deep in the cupboard -- my mom ended up having to call my grandma to get the official list of ingredients. Haha.

This past weekend, Michael and I headed to Columbia and enjoyed our time with Becca and Josh's family, as well as mom and dad and Josh's family. We spent the weekend at a STIHL Timbersports event (this was work related) and also helped them move into their new, beautiful home. <3 Poor Isaiah ended up getting sick during our visit though. :(

Red Letter group -- the Timbersports events were so fun to watch!
She was too curious about seeing herself on my phone haha.

Christian and Oliver -- hehe, aren't they the cutest?! :)

That grin is just so precious!

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Be merciful, just as your Father is merciful. - Luke 6:36

The Lenten Season started less than two weeks ago. As I have written in the past, this is one of my favorite times of the liturgical year. This is the moment of reflection and prayer and fasting and repenting. To me, this is a season to get to know our God -- better (some people forget about Him or even worse don't know Him..) to re-evaluate our lives and to put ourselves back in check with the lifestyle we are choosing to live.

My mom and I were talking a few weeks ago about religion being a lifestyle. Some choose to live a healthy lifestyle, some live a hippie lifestyle (oh yes, I said hippie), military lifestyle...the list goes on.. living a Catholic lifestyle (or Baptist, Methodist...whatever the case may be) falls under this list of lifestyles too. Being Catholic isn't about going to church only on Christmas and Easter, it's not about going to fish frys on Friday evenings, it's not about getting married in a Catholic church when you no longer practice Catholicism. It is simply living as a Catholic in your every day life...

- striving to live and BE like Jesus
- praying and sacrificing the time to do so (not just when we're in desperate need)
- loving your neighbor truly as yourself...something this world needs to do more of
- going to mass and taking every bit of it in (even if it's the billionth time you've been since you were a month old)
- living and breathing the Gospel
- praying -- did I say that already?
- reading...preferably the bible... ;)
- giving back -- time and yes, money

This list obviously doesn't even scratch the surface, but I would be here for days writing all my thoughts regarding this...By now, you're probably wondering where I'm going with this.

In the Catholic church, the Pope has declared the year 2016 as our Year of Mercy. What better way to live the Catholic lifestyle and embrace the Lenten Season than by being merciful? Asking for forgiveness is never easy and honestly, it shouldn't a certain degree. Whether we did something sinful or someone sinned against us, this is the time to repent and ask for forgiveness from God, from a friend, whatever the situation may be. Coincidently, Tim McGraw's -- "Live like You Were Dying" is playing as I type this out, haha. Now, I realize this song isn't necessarily about God, BUT it is about living life to the fullest and doing so without any regrets because we aren't always promised tomorrow. Asking for forgiveness or being the one forgiving someone should be a part of living life to the fullest!

Each year, I like to do different things during Lent. One year I filled a jar with pieces of paper and I picked one out each day (doing a good deed that day, giving up something, doing more of something, reading out of the bible, etc.) It allowed me to do something different each day of Lent and of course it kept things fun! :) I have also given up sweets or soda, etc. This year I wanted to do something different. I'll admit, I'm really bad at praying for someone or something unless I write it down. I tend to throw out the, "I'll keep them/you in my prayers." and like any normal human, I forget or don't remember who it was. This year I have decided to keep a prayer book (hopefully this will hold me accountable even after Lent.)

I have also started a book by Matthew Kelly called Rediscover Jesus - An Invitation. The chapters are very short and great for a quick read (awesome for busy schedules!) It has been an excellent guide to getting to know Jesus on a deeper level. There are questions, reflections, prayer, etc. after each chapter which really allows me to think more about my relationship with God and the Catholic faith. (Side note: this is not a Catholic-based book.) :D I highly recommend this book to anyone!

I hope you've enjoyed reading up on my blog. Here's to the next 32 days of this lovely season in the church! Until next time! <3 <3

Friday, January 22, 2016

It's my party and I'll cry if I want to...

Coming from a big family (Michael's side too) we have sooooo many birthdays throughout the year...moms, dads, siblings, nieces, nephews, the list goes on and on! :) Michael and I have birthdays fairly close to each other - his is November 12 and mine is January 8 (Elvis' birthday too! :D Hah!) This year we got to spend one another's birthday together, traveling. Which we love to do!

We planned a trip to head south for a few days to spend time with friends and family! We had such a blast! It was nice to get away from work and everyday life for a bit. We visited my sister and her family in Dallas for a couple days. Then headed to New Orleans for two days and ended our trip in Pensacola to visit one of Michael's best friends and his wife. We were definitely spoiled by the end of the trip -- neither of us wanting to go back to work haha. ;)

Enjoyed great food at MASH'D while in Dallas!

Dallas Aquarium -- too much fun!
Beignets at the infamous
Cafe Du Monde in NOLA 

Enjoying our first night on Beale Street.

On our way to Dallas, Michael turned the big 2-9! We spent a few hours in the car driving that day, so I tried to make it as special and memorable as I could! :) I wanted him to feel extra loved and extra special on his birthday! I put together "A Day Full of Presents!" Starting at 11:12 AM...11/12 is his birth date -- see what I did there? (; He received a gift every hour (for 12 hours) until 10:12 PM. I really enjoyed putting everything together! Check it out...

All the gifts (besides the cake haha.) Each labeled with a different time of the day!

11:12 - Card/favorite candy bar - Hershey's Cookies/Cream
12:12 - Book
1:12 - Written Letter
2:12 - Book
3:12 - Fuzzzzzy Jacket
4:12 - X Box Controller
5:12 - DIY Massage Kit
6:12 - Book..He likes to read ;)
7:12 - Etched Decanter
8:12 - Birthday Cake
9:12 - Picture of us
10:12 - Written Letter

First b-day cake in over 5 years!
His favorite - yellow cake, chocolate frosting!
Compliments of Katherine!

I had too much fun with this entire thing! :)
It was a task in itself making sure I didn't
forget to give him his presents at the right time.

We also enjoyed my birthday "on the road." You think we'd be sick of one another traveling together crammed in a vehicle, but I beg to differ. :) Michael surprised me with a relaxing birthday getaway to Gatlinburg! I had never been and I think it's safe to say we had a blast together! He got us a cute little cabin up in the mountains with a gorgeous view every day. He told me once how important and special he thinks birthdays are and likes to make the person feel loved. He definitely went out of his way to show how much he loves and appreciates me. (Not just on my birthday, but every day!) 

When we got there, we had time to relax and unpack. Our first evening he made plans for us to take a "Sky Lift" up the mountain to get a view of the sunset and then again after dinner to see the night life. Too neat! It was nice to enjoy a relaxing evening by the fire side. Might I mention, he got a fire going without matches, fire starter, etc. (Haha - we picked up fire starter our second day there, no worries!) 

Going up on the Sky Lift...I think he told me he was nervous at some point.. ;)
Such a beautiful view! Check out that FUZZZZY jacket he's sporting!
Wonder who got that for him? ;)

Our next day was full of adventure! I woke up and got served breakfast in bed. We had french toast and plenty of coffee! :) Michael is always thinking about the small things to make me happy. He remembered I had never been ice skating before and that it was on my bucket list. That morning we took a tram up the mountain to go skating. Let me tell you...I am ter-ri-ble. Haha. We both had a good time and later on in the afternoon went to an escape game. The first time we did this together was in New Orleans and he made plans for us to do another. Our theme was "Prison Break" and we had to figure out clues and codes to get out of the prison under an hour. With the help of 6 other people...we didn't make it out hahah. It was a tough game. Maybe next time... ;)

Our evening was spent cooking a meal together. :) He had everything planned out and ready to go. It was so nice of him to do! We had parmesan crusted tilapia over a bed of pasta and broccoli. It was fabulous! He's so sweet, always thinking of little things others don't. He bought me a bracelet and watch (knowing mine broke a few weeks prior..) and he bought both in rose gold!! Ekk, they're both so pretty!! <3 <3 He also bought my favorite ice cream...Moose Tracks and we (I, haha) indulged in eating a bowl, Michael decided to pass on eating some. We also enjoyed a taste of two different kinds of wine during the of his favorites and one of mine!

Our last day was spent going to church and eating at a lovely place called Crockett's Breakfast Camp. Delicious food! We headed home, back to reality - luckily he drove (the weather was yucky!) The past few months have made me realize how lucky I am to have Michael in my life. Not many can say they have someone who is always thinking of ways to make the other happy, but he does. And for that, I am forever grateful for this handsome man! <3 I can't wait to spend my life with him and go on many, many more adventures together! We're already planning, hah. :)