Saturday, June 28, 2014

Shout-out Saturday!

Alright folks, I'm starting this new thing called Shout-out Saturday! I want to dedicate every Saturday to a special someone in my life and reflect on how they have been a blessing to me. But first, I want to tell you what's been going on in my life since it's been awhile...

I just finished my first summer class came out with an A! It was called Research and Strategy and it was pretty difficult I must say. I was so happy to get that A; it was definitely better than I had expected. Along with this I started my second summer class called Communication Law about two weeks ago. Let's just say it's been a long two weeks... This class right here is why I know I would hate to go to law school, haha. On the plus side I've got only six more weeks to go and hopefully it goes by quickly.

Almost two weeks ago I got the chance to go to another Cardinals game! My sis scored some sweet baseball seats from work. I will say it was pretty warm even at night time, but the Cardinals won and we got home safely. So we had lots of fun!

Katherine and Sarah enjoying the baseball game!

My sister, Sarah's, baby shower was last weekend. Although there were a few last minute changes to it, we pulled it off! It was so beautiful and simple. I still have a hard time believing that the sister I grew up and shared literally everything with is almost having a baby. Time flies, right? I am super excited for her to get here so I can spoil her like crazyyy.

So back to the purpose of my actual blog post. I want to make every Saturday special by giving the ones in my life a nice shout-out for why I love them and how blessed I am to have them in my life. My first shout-out is to someone who has been here in my life since day one. He is the one who continuously teaches me day by day how to be a better person and to keep on the path He made for me. Yes, I am talking about God. I'll admit I have a hard time making the right choices here and there, or saying and doing things I shouldn't do. That is what's so amazing about God, is that he continuously loves us and forgives us regardless of what we have done.

Unfortunately, I tend to question whether or not He's even there, but once the doubt creeps in, it completely disappears and that's when I know He's there with me. My faith in Him has been tested many times, especially this year. I had lost an extremely close person in my life. All I could do was get upset with Him and wonder why it ever happened. What did the ones who loved Cheryl do to deserve this? It finally hit me that I had to stop living in the past and open my eyes to reality. God puts these kinds of situations in our life to test our faith and make us stronger. Although I still struggle with this at times, I am trying to realize that these things happen and some day all will be reunited in Heaven.

I'm currently reading this book.
I highly suggest it!
Good in our world is starting to be overlooked as the terror is increasing. I live in a small town where waving to the person passing you or opening the door for a random stranger is common. The more and more I observe things going on around me, the more I realize that the world is becoming less hospitable. People don't wave and ask how you're doing; strangers don't hold the door for you anymore. Simple things like these are what made people out to be loving and caring. We have come to a stage in our society where everyone has their noses in their technology and passersby do not even notice when they walk passed someone. Hopefully this is just a phase and will pass with time.

I know I got off track a tad, but what I stated above brings me back to what the purpose of this post is about. If everyone opened up their hearts and lives and had a strong relationship with God FIRST, then everything else would fall into place. Bad things tend to happen once we push Him out. A lot of the reason God has been such a blessing in my life is because the way I grew up. As a child, I didn't care for going to church. I felt forced to go to mass on Sundays and grew bored very quickly. Years passed and I started realizing how important it is to have a relationship with God. Once that relationship with Him becomes nonexistent, the relationships you have with family and friends tend to start fading away too.

So to sum this up, I want to give God a huge shout-out on this beautiful Saturday. He has blessed me with two wonderful parents who have done nothing but support every decision I have made in my life. Five crazy and fun siblings who have taught me how to be patient and loving towards others. And a life that has its' ups and downs and "wirl-arounds." I cannot imagine my life any other way and it all happened because of Him! So before you go on and on about how great life is and how happy you are, make sure you're happy with God and have a steady relationship with Him. In the end, that is all that really counts!

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

A once in a lifetime experience, that still continues to change my life!

Hugh O'Brian Youth Leadership (HOBY) can be described in one word and one word only: magical. Go ahead laugh, you probably think I am crazy, but I promise I'm not! I have been a part of HOBY for five years now - one year as an ambassador and four years as a facilitator. (These pictures don't do HOBY justice, but they'll just have to do.)

Before I go on, I guess I should enlighten you on what HOBY is exactly. This organization is for high school sophomores going into their junior year. HOBY is a three day seminar during the summer that allows teens to learn more about themselves as a leader and the capabilities they have to change their lives, school, community and society as a whole.

Comets was my group! Our theme this year was space!

I had the opportunity to facilitate an amazing
group of people!

During the weekend ambassadors are challenged through activities on how they view themselves and others from all around the world. This experience changed my life as an incoming junior in high school and still continues to change my life each day. I cannot express how much these types of leadership seminars should be valued in our schools. HOBY along with multiple other leadership opportunities are what allow students to go out and gain the confidence and skills to do great things, big or small. 

This was the set up for our reflections.
Everyone takes a candle and puts it
on the the city they're from.
Most of the 'locals' and me. I love coming
back each year with these people!
Left to right - Erin, me, Alex, Taylor
Gabe (left) and Alex (right) are some of the coolest dudes ever.
I can't believe how lucky I am to have people like this in my life.

The last night! We had so much fun dancing!

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

What's new?

Don't worry, I'm still here! This past month has been pretty hectic. Between work, school and spending time with my family and friends I haven't had time to write on here lately. Summer classes started literally the Monday after finals so I haven't had much time to enjoy my summer... :( Only three more weeks left though and I'll be done!

About three weeks ago we celebrated my neighbor, Cheryl's, birthday. On mother's day everyone went out to her graveside and did a balloon release. Her favorite color is blue, so everyone there let go of a blue balloon in memory of her. Unfortunately, Katherine and I couldn't be there due to work so we did our own balloon release on her actual birthday (May 15). It rained quite a bit that day so we ended up waiting so that's why the pictures are a tad bit dark.

Cheryl was ALWAYS happy, unless someone snagged
her purse or came into her room without permission. :)
Katherine picked out the best balloon possible
to described Cheryl perfectly!
Katherine and I about to release Cheryl's balloons.

The past two weeks have been hot and rainy. Fortunately, a couple of those days have been sunny and breezy. Rolen has had a few games since the summer has started. I have enjoyed watching him play t-ball with the rest of his friends. They are just so darn cute! Enjoy the photos!...

Rolen with his ball gear. He's so stinkin' cute!
Playing first base!

All of the players ran out into the outfield to retrieve one ball. It was hilarious!

I've got the HOBY leadership seminar this weekend so I won't be near my computer, but I can't wait to talk about how great it went. I'll be writing soon! :)

Here's a nice picture to start the middle of your week off on a good note. Isn't he a cutie pie?