Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Be merciful, just as your Father is merciful. - Luke 6:36

The Lenten Season started less than two weeks ago. As I have written in the past, this is one of my favorite times of the liturgical year. This is the moment of reflection and prayer and fasting and repenting. To me, this is a season to get to know our God -- better (some people forget about Him or even worse don't know Him..) to re-evaluate our lives and to put ourselves back in check with the lifestyle we are choosing to live.

My mom and I were talking a few weeks ago about religion being a lifestyle. Some choose to live a healthy lifestyle, some live a hippie lifestyle (oh yes, I said hippie), military lifestyle...the list goes on.. living a Catholic lifestyle (or Baptist, Methodist...whatever the case may be) falls under this list of lifestyles too. Being Catholic isn't about going to church only on Christmas and Easter, it's not about going to fish frys on Friday evenings, it's not about getting married in a Catholic church when you no longer practice Catholicism. It is simply living as a Catholic in your every day life...

- striving to live and BE like Jesus
- praying and sacrificing the time to do so (not just when we're in desperate need)
- loving your neighbor truly as yourself...something this world needs to do more of
- going to mass and taking every bit of it in (even if it's the billionth time you've been since you were a month old)
- living and breathing the Gospel
- praying -- did I say that already?
- reading...preferably the bible... ;)
- giving back -- time and yes, money

This list obviously doesn't even scratch the surface, but I would be here for days writing all my thoughts regarding this...By now, you're probably wondering where I'm going with this.

In the Catholic church, the Pope has declared the year 2016 as our Year of Mercy. What better way to live the Catholic lifestyle and embrace the Lenten Season than by being merciful? Asking for forgiveness is never easy and honestly, it shouldn't be...to a certain degree. Whether we did something sinful or someone sinned against us, this is the time to repent and ask for forgiveness from God, from a friend, whatever the situation may be. Coincidently, Tim McGraw's -- "Live like You Were Dying" is playing as I type this out, haha. Now, I realize this song isn't necessarily about God, BUT it is about living life to the fullest and doing so without any regrets because we aren't always promised tomorrow. Asking for forgiveness or being the one forgiving someone should be a part of living life to the fullest!

Each year, I like to do different things during Lent. One year I filled a jar with pieces of paper and I picked one out each day (doing a good deed that day, giving up something, doing more of something, reading out of the bible, etc.) It allowed me to do something different each day of Lent and of course it kept things fun! :) I have also given up sweets or soda, etc. This year I wanted to do something different. I'll admit, I'm really bad at praying for someone or something unless I write it down. I tend to throw out the, "I'll keep them/you in my prayers." and like any normal human, I forget or don't remember who it was. This year I have decided to keep a prayer book (hopefully this will hold me accountable even after Lent.)

I have also started a book by Matthew Kelly called Rediscover Jesus - An Invitation. The chapters are very short and great for a quick read (awesome for busy schedules!) It has been an excellent guide to getting to know Jesus on a deeper level. There are questions, reflections, prayer, etc. after each chapter which really allows me to think more about my relationship with God and the Catholic faith. (Side note: this is not a Catholic-based book.) :D I highly recommend this book to anyone!

I hope you've enjoyed reading up on my blog. Here's to the next 32 days of this lovely season in the church! Until next time! <3 <3


  1. I love you. I've started to pray on the spot for people so I don't forget! Read Nehemiah 1:1-4 that's where I got my inspiration from.

    1. Aww, shucks! <3 I love you too! I will read that - hopefully I get inspired too! :)

  2. I love you. I've started to pray on the spot for people so I don't forget! Read Nehemiah 1:1-4 that's where I got my inspiration from.
