As expected, my adventure to Europe was nothing but a blast! As some of you may or may not know, I took a course at Southeast that allowed me to travel across the world and experience different parts of Europe. I couldn't be more happy I took both Sue and Kat's advice to enroll in this class. Two weeks in Europe? What sounds awful about that?!
When I first arrived in Europe, my debit card wasn't working...It was a Sunday, I was halfway across the world and I had no internet/phone access. Did I mention that you have to pay for everything in Europe?...I couldn't even use the ladies room. Luckily, after checking into our hotel and getting settled, I got money from a different machine! Such a relief! :)
Our first week was spent in Strasbourg, France (Yes, Strasbourg is in France, not Germany.) (; The first couple of days spent in this beautiful city consisted of going to the Christmas Markets, visiting the cathedrals and indulging in some of the best food I have ever eaten! The vin chaud and nutella crepes are mind blowing! I could eat a crepe every day, they were always so magnificent.
There were multiple little shops everywhere like these! They were filled with crafts, food and clothing! |
Potato Pancakes! |
Chevre, tamatoe flambee! |
Nutella crepe! Yum! |
One of my favorite parts of Strasbourg was the atmosphere. It reminded me of home with more of a city feel. The small sandwich shops we ate at every other day became familiar with us and it definitely felt like back at home where everyone knows you. :) I enjoyed spending New Years with my colleagues playing Cards Against Humanity and drinking wine. It was a great way to get to know one another early on in the trip.
There is a ton of history in Strasbourg and even though I'm not a huge history buff, I loved learning about the city and development of it! My professor, Mark Langenfeld, is entirely too knowledgeable for his own good, haha...he knew so much about Strasbourg and the cities/countries we ventured to. Hanging out and taking small adventures with him and my colleagues became so beneficial as our trip progressed.
Inside Notre Dame Cathedral de Strasbourg!
Absolutely beautiful inside and out! |
I took a day trip to Turkheim and Colmar about four days into the trip. We took a vineyard tour and enjoyed a history museum. As we were on our wine tour through the small towns, I kept noticing large crucifix statues everywhere...and I mean HUGE! I found this interesting and finally asked Frederick (our tour guide driver) what they were there for. He said most of the towns housed/house Roman Catholics. The crucifix statues represented Christ protecting and guarding over the town (health, land growth, farms, etc.) I found this fascinating because you won't find this in the U.S. like they do in Europe.
Our vineyard tour! So snowwy! |
Apple flambee I had in Turkheim! Soo good! |
A week into the trip, we enjoyed a new weekend getaway to Freiburg, Germany. I thought Strasbourg felt like home?...Freiburg felt even more like home to me. People seemed to be a lot more friendly and hospitable. We stayed at a hostel for two nights. Hostels remind me of a giant residence hall where everyone shares everything. I was not a huge fan of the hostel, it was too hippy-like for me.
Enjoying Gewurtz at Black&Wine! |
Sightseeing in Le Petite France. |
I enjoyed a tofu pita for the first was interesting! I also had the chance to go to an Irish Pub. The group went there both evenings we were in Germany -- we had too much fun! Todd, the owner, was all about hiring me to work there. I said the customers couldn't handle my sassy personality and told him I love my family too much to pick up everything and leave. :) Also while we were in Freiburg, we went to Keidal Bad. This was a giant sauna/therapeutic pool place.Talk about relaxing! Although, I enjoyed the experience, I was not a huge fan of how open everyone was about stripping down and showing their goodies.
Switzerland was our next side trip on day eight. We toured a pharmaceutical company: Novartis. I loved hearing about their marketing/strategic plans regarding healthcare. Very intriguing! As college students, we had the pleasure of visiting a university (public high school) while in Strasbourg. This was one of my favorite parts of the trip. I attended a music and English class. Of course I loved both of them. They were so welcoming to us! I got to sing with them. :) The English class was great too! It was spent with the three of us answering any questions the students had about us and life in general in the U.S. My favorite questions were: What was your sweet 16 like? Do you speak any other languages? Your family has 5 cars?! Is America like the movies? Do you have cheerleaders, what are they like? They were very curious and very well-mannered!
On our tour of the chemical process of medicine making. |
On our tenth day, we hoped on the train to head to Paris for the last stretch of the trip. Once we got settled into our tiny hotel room, we received word of the terrorist attack. Welcome to Paris, Rach!!! This entire situation put a damper on the trip for myself and some other girls on the trip. We didn't do much the first day there since a lot was on lock down. Below were the many desserts I had. ;) Gaufres (waffles) are extremely popular there. I had two different kinds. One with nutella and gelato and one with bananas and nutella! They taste like heaven! I also had a peche' melba -- nothing comparable to the waffles, yet still delicious! :)
Paris truly was amazing and much like New York, but a bit dirtier... The first day of going out, I got to go to Versailles, Orsay, Orangerie and the Eiffel Tower! Not many people can say they spent their birthday up in the Eiffel Tower looking out at the city. I consider myself very lucky! It was such a blast and thrilling to say the least! Along with this I enjoyed going to the Arc de' Triumphe and the Louvre.
At the Orsay Museum, loved the art work there! |
Arc de' Triumphe |
The food in Paris was to die for! Well, at least the desserts! :) I enjoyed a gaufre (waffle) with nutella and vanilla and caramel gelato on top, all homemade! This was by far my favorite dessert on the trip, I could go on forever about it! Crepes, gaufres, gelato and coffee were some of the best things I enjoyed in Europe.
It was even prettier at night! |
Hanging out by the Eiffel Tower |
My last day in Paris was spent in the city sightseeing and shopping. I got to see the Notre Dame Cathedral of Paris. Very gothic looking, yet beautiful at the same time. They were having mass as we walked in so I joined in. This was such an amazing experience! I'll be honest, I have no clue what was being said at times, but I could follow along just by the rhythm. Very interesting, once in a lifetime experience! :)
In front of the Notre Dame Cathedral de Paris! |
Everything seems to look even more beautiful at night. |
Flying home, I started to realize how blessed I am to have been able to travel the world at my age. I traveled a lot in high school and quite a bit in college, not many people can say the same. I am incredibly lucky to have been given the opportunities I have been given to see and travel the world and what God has created! It was not only an eye-opener, but is a part of me now and who I am becoming. Isn't life just mind-blowing?! I hope you've enjoyed reading about my travel experience as much as I enjoyed actually going on the trip. :)
More pictures below! Check them out! :)
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Adam, me, Alex and Paige at Maison Kamerzell. The food was excellent! |
Took a trip to Kehl, Germany to enjoy some gelato! Yumm! :) |
We went snow shoeing in the Vosges Mountains. This was a blast! |

Chateau du Haut-Koenigsbourg Medieval Castle |
Downtown Strasbourg -- the lights change colors. It was pretty cool! |
Hanging out at the Irish Pub! |
The weather was awful all day and cleared up about 30 minutes before we headed over to the Eiffel Tower. So incredibly beautiful! |
Happy Birthday to me! |
View from the top! |
View from the bottom! The tower is so much bigger than you'd think! |
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