I realized the other day I haven't blogged in over a month...that's not good.. I have been quite busy the past few weeks, that I forgot to take time to write my thoughts and latest happenings down. Here lately I have been on the go quite frequently and haven't taken much time for myself or my loved ones. Between work, meetings and classes I have been running around like a crazy person! For Easter, I went to Dallas for the weekend to visit my sister, her husband and their kid. The three days we were there and throughout the long car ride, it made me realize how much I need to put more emphasis on the things in my life that I truly care about most!

Lately, I have been overstressing about little things (a hectic schedule, projects, work, etc.) when I could be putting more focus on God, my family, friends and of course my school work! I should have started doing this a long time ago. ;) Almost two months ago (I know, I know....it seriously has been awhile since I've blogged) my family enjoyed some bonding time at a benefit for St. Ambrose Catholic Schools. It was a black light bingo bash, which ended up being quite interesting. There were glow sticks everywhere, loud music and plenty of fun with the family and others at the event!
The family! :D |
My main squeeze!!! :) |
Katherine, Austin and I had the pleasure of helping our PSR students perform the Stations of the Cross at the St. Ambrose Parish. We had a few snow days before this happened and thought we weren't going to pull it off, but it all worked out in the end. We always have such a great time doing this and hope to continue it each Lenten Season. They're so energetic and goofy all the time (sometimes they're difficult to work with! (; ) All in all the community enjoyed it and I think the students did too!
The 3rd-8th graders who made it all happen! |
I coordinated my last Show Me Day at the end of March! It's definitely bitter-sweet leaving the Admissions Office once I graduate in May. I have spent much of my college career in the office and I can't believe I won't be a part of it anymore!
I got the chance to "get away" this Easter weekend and spend it with Sue, Brandon, James, Amy and the munchkins. The drive there and back wasn't too bad, just long! Once we got there our weekend was full of relaxation time, nice walks and sleep. I can't forget all the sleep I got. :D We also enjoyed a Blues Hockey Game and dinner at the infamous Babe's Restaurant our first evening there. We won the game! Woohoo! It was incredibly nice to have family time in Dallas with Sue, Brandon and Christian. I know they're missing home, so it was great to visit them during the Easter holiday. Check out some of the photos from the weekend!
Babe's in Texas! It was a very interesting joint to eat dinner. Excellent food! |
The food was served family style and the waitresses sang throughout the evening. I loved it! |
The two rowdy kids! |
Little guy and me before Easter Mass! |
Helping fold laundry! ;) |
He sure wanted those Peeps! Om nom nom! |
The grandchildren: Rolen, Christian and Brooklyn! |
Selfie time! Rolen looks sooo enthused. :P |