Thursday, December 25, 2014

'Tis the Season!

Christmas was yesterday and I leave for my trip to Europe tomorrow! Can someone pinch me already?! I love the holidays, especially when I get to visit and see my family for a couple of days.

My family always goes to Christmas Eve mass at our local parish each year. After church, we enjoy a big delicious breakfast made by mom, of course! :) Breakfast pie, breakfast bread rolls and sticky buns! Can you say, yum?? Unwrapping gifts happens later in the evening with all of us around the tree.

My favorite part of this whole evening is having everyone in the same room whether it's while we're eating or opening presents. We have a decent sized house, but when everyone is in one spot together it tends to get crowded. This is the best part of Christmas, every year. Call me weird, but I love seeing my parents, siblings, in-laws, nieces/nephews and the pups (you can't forget the dogs) crammed into one room. Story telling, enjoying each others company, poking fun at one another and indulging in great food is nothing but priceless. :) Check out the photos below to get a glimpse inside our Christmas! 

Like I said earlier, I'm leaving for Europe for two weeks so I won't be in contact with anyone for the time being! In the mean time, enjoy the rest of 2014 and have a happy New Year for me in the good olé U.S.! 

God Bless, 


Thursday, December 18, 2014

Latest happenings!...

Hello! I hope this post finds you doing well and enjoying the holiday season. Can you believe we only have a week until Christmas?! Are all of your Christmas decorations up? Have you gotten your shopping done? Wrapped all the presents?

Quite a bit has happened at the Reischman residence these past few weeks. Everyone from both sides of my family came over for Thanksgiving lunch and dinner. Nothing is more exciting than having everyone together to spend the day with one another. It's my favorite time of the year! :) We finally have our Christmas trees and décor up and lights on the house! (Dad wasn't too happy about having to do this (; haha.)

Hanging out at the house!
Rolen with his gun! He had so much fun squirrel hunting. :)

Sarah, mom, Kat and myself!

We had our Annual Reischman Christmas Tea last Sunday. All of the women on my dad's side get together and enjoy each others company before the busy holiday season kicks off. Every year we donate to a local organization (Birth Right, Salvation Army, etc.) I look forward to it every year!

The Reischman gals!

Mom and Gwen! :)

I have finally completed the Mass Communications program at Southeast! One step closer to graduating in May! Ekkkk. :) A couple weeks ago, the team I worked with pitched our campaign to the Show Me Center (this was our client.) It was such a great experience to work with my colleagues and a client I was extremely familiar with. What I loved most about this entire process was receiving feedback from the client and our professors. Nothing is more reassuring than your professors telling you that you're going to be alright and they know "you are ready." One more semester to go and I will be walking across that stage! :D

These fabulous people were some of the best to work with! :)

This past weekend my sister, Sarah, and I made our way up to St. Louis to run in the Hot Chocolate 5K. Even though it's only 3 miles, we felt it necessary to train since we both have not ran a full 5K since high school. Well training started in November and lasted roughly every other three days. Before the race, we haven't ran in over two weeks. Sooo, to say the least we had no clue how this race was going to end. Luckily, we pulled through and finished without walking (which was our initial goal.) It was such a blast! Although we ran at 7:30 in the morning, the atmosphere of everyone around us was so fun and energetic!

Before the race, by the start line!
After the race! We were tired. :)
If you know my sister at all, she's got a sweet tooth like nobody's business. Sarah could probably eat sweets for every meal of the day. ;) During the race, there were stations that handed out different kinds of chocolate...holy heaven, right?? I declined the offer, but Sarah went with it. At the end of the race we received these awesome "Finisher Mugs" full of sweet goodness. I'm pretty sure I was in a sugar coma for a couple hours...

This past week I got to watch Gwen. Let me tell you, she's so precious! I cannot believe how much she's grown in the past four months. Yesterday, I caught her sucking a thumb!

She's going to be just like her Aunt Sue! ;)

She looked up at me every time I took a picture, haha.

Coming up this next week, we will finally get to see Becca, Josh and Isaiah...and the newest edition to the family! Or at least, Becca's tummy. :D I cannot wait for everyone to be home already! Christmas will be here in a week and then two days later I'll finally be in Europe. :)

For now, I hope you enjoy this wonderful time with the ones you love.
God Bless,
Rachel <3

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Try Something New! :D

I hope you all have been doing well and preparing for the holiday season ahead of us!  Thanksgiving is in less than two days, can you believe it?! Christmas will be here sooner than we know it, which means I'm even closer to my trip to Europe! :)

I've done a few things here and there and have yet to share them with you. I have finally checked two things off of my DIY list....

1: Butternut Squash Soup
2: Homemade Tool Tutu

I love butternut squash soup, but anytime I order it at a restaurant it is loaded up with sugar and salt and other unnecessary ingredients. So, I took it upon myself to make my own semi-healthy version of this deliciousness! The recipe is very simple and easy and inexpensive! Win, win, win!


1 butternut squash
2 cups vegetable broth (any broth works)
1 onion (medium sized, red or white)
1 t ground nutmeg
1 t ground cinnamon
Salt - to taste
Pepper - to taste


Pre-heat oven to 350 degrees. Cut squash in half and place face down into the baking dish. Bake for for about an hour, until tender. After the squash is done, peel the skin of with a fork (it should be easy to remove.) Cut the squash and onion into chunks. Bring the squash, onions and broth to a boil.

After ingredients have been boiled, place everything into a blender. Puree ingredients until you get the desired texture or until smooth. Place in your finest china, serve and enjoy! :)

*Take note, this is a recipe that can be modified to your liking, so have fun with it!*

So good! <3

I finally made an adorable no-sew tutu skirt made of tool! I may only be 21, but no one is ever too old for a tutu. Am I right or am I right?? :) I finally had a reason to make one for my Halloween costume this year. -- I was Minnie Mouse. :) I was planning on buying one and then realized how expensive it would be for something I'd only be wearing probably one time. Check out my easy how to below:

Materials Needed:

6 yards of tool (Any color)
Elastic band (Big enough for your waist)
2 safety pins
White paper
White paper
Hot glue gun/glue


Cut the tool into strips. Mine were 1 inch wide and roughly 2 feet long. Keep in mind, not everyone is the same height, so cut them to your desired length. Additionally, you will essentially be "doubling" these strips so don't make them too short! (It sounds confusing, I'll explain further below.)

Place your elastic band around the back side of a chair (I used a small ladder) and tie it in a knot. This will allow both your hands to be free and you won't be struggling to keep the elastic from going crazy. The next step is a tad confusing. Refer to the picture below:

In the end, your tool should be tight and look like this....

This entire process takes quite awhile, so be patient. Make sure to turn some tunes on or watch TV while doing this. It will make the process go by much faster.

After all the tool is on, untie the knot and pin the safety pins in the desired place on the band. (I used two just in case.) You want the tutu to be somewhat tight, but it's okay for it to be a little loose. Keep in mind, it is elastic so putting it on and taking it off is easy regardless!

This next part is specifically for the costume I chose. I used a coffee cup to outline my circle and cut away! I then hot glued them all over the tutu. On a side note, the mouse ears and tail were already purchased from prior Halloweens, I just glued ribbon on them!

Here's the finished product! Super easy and super simple. Minnie Mouse is always a crowd pleaser, plus I had lots of fun in making my costume instead of buying an overpriced one!

Thursday, November 13, 2014

The joys of being from a big family...

As many know, I come from a rather "large" family. Numerous times people will get to know me and ask how many siblings I have or how many siblings my parents have, etc. and their reaction never gets old..."You have FIVE brothers and sisters?! How did your parents do that?" Well folks, it's called having a lot of trust in God and each other along with having a little patience and lots of love. Boom! THAT'S how my parents did it!

With this being said, I've compiled a list of what I think it's like to come from a big family. I have multiple cousins, aunts, uncles, nieces/nephews and so on. There are many perks that come with being from such a huge, loving family and I'm going to share them with you! Keep in mind, these may seem like faults to some, but I truly think these are some of the greatest reasons of why I love being from such a big family. Here's to looking inside my life and what I'm surrounded by daily. :)

These are in no particular order, so here goes:

1. Everyone knows every detail of your life. Be prepared for any family member to ask you about your latest gossip at the next family convention.

This can be a bad thing, but also good. When your cousin and her husband have their first child all the way in Maine and you don't get to talk much, you still find out every detail the day they're born! This typically happens through numerous phone calls from every single aunt and uncle calling each other multiple times to make sure everyone knows. :D It never gets old!

On the other hand, words spread like fire in a big family. You're pregnant? Grandparents know the day you find out. You broke up with your significant other? Aunts and uncles question you about it at the next family get together. On the plus side, knowing what everyone is doing and how everyone is never becomes an issue because someone always knows!

My baptism way back in '93. Man, we were little! :)

2. What's yours is mine and what's mine is yours... ALWAYS.

Whether it's your clothes, food, advice or whatever, when you come from a big family everything is shared with everyone.

Many times you'll see yourself giving advice to your family members and realize that you should probably listen closely to what you're saying too because that piece of advice pertains to you too! :)

Your closet become your sisters closet...every time. "Oh you're coming to visit? Don't worry about packing anything you can borrow my stuff!" "Rach, can I borrow this?" "Hey, I went through your clothes, I'm going to wear this tonight. Hope ya don't mind." -- Nope look away, glad ya like my style! ;) I also love the fact that I have four sisters and all of us can wear each others clothes. My wardrobe is expanded in .2 seconds during the holidays when they all visit. :)

3. There's constantly a helping hand. Sometimes too many!

Growing up, us kids always kept up with chores around the house. Even when we went to grandma and grandpas house, cleaning up after dinner or doing dishes was always something we did, just because. Mom needs veggies chopped up for soup? BAM, done! Need help getting groceries out of the car? When all of us kids went out at once, we got this done in one trip. And yes, if you're wondering, we were quite proud of that, haha. With so many people around there's always someone willing to help with anything and everything.

4. There is an endless amount of role models surrounding you.

I'm learning not only from my parents and siblings each day, but also from my grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins and more. It never fails to amaze me how much knowledge I've gained from my family and being around them. I come from a family very rich in love and knowledge and it rubs off on not just our family, but the friends and random people we surround ourselves and I love it! My grandpa always has a life lesson to teach us kids when we visit whether it's how they did things a certain way when he was younger or his opinion about the modern world we're surrounded by. These stories and moments never get old.

Not only did we wear matching outfits for Christmas, but we looked good doing it!

Who knew I'd be as close as I am to these goofballs?

5. There is no place for silence.

Between all the laughter and "yelling" there is never a dull [or quiet] moment in the house. There is constantly so much energy in the house, especially during the holidays! Nothing is more joyful than being surrounded by loved ones and sharing great laughs and memories. Specifically during Thanksgiving and Christmas, you have to speak up else you won't be heard in our household. I'm sure mom and dad enjoy this greatly! HAHA.

6. You are "forced" to find who you truly are.

With having so many siblings surrounding you, it forces everyone to become a completely different individual than everyone else. You have to find yourself in the chaos - allowing yourself to be heard! This not only built character in my siblings and me, but it allowed all of us to be completely different and find our own niche. It's nice for others to enjoy an array of personalities, it becomes contagious and makes people wonder more about us. Going along with this, coming from a large family allowed me to be more open minded about others. I was always taught by my parents and family to not judge others and coming from such a diverse family allowed me to understand and accept others' beliefs, morals, backgrounds and more.

Kat, Sue, Sarah and me at another family wedding.

Bottom Row: Sarah and Cesia (cousin)
Top Row: Kat and me
At a family wedding!

7. Family dinners. Nuff said.
When I was younger we had dinner around 5:30 at least 6 out of 7 days. This included all six kids and my parents. There was never a dull moment at the kitchen table with a spilled drink or two. Elbow to elbow with every dish crowding the table as we ate, laughed and enjoyed the beauty of family. Mom always knew exactly what to make to please all of us and if we didn't like it, we sat at the table until we ate it! I still enjoy family dinners even though it's usually only my parents, my sister and me. :)

8. You have an endless amount of friends who truly care.

My closest friends are my siblings and cousins. I go to my family for everything. Nothing is more reassuring than knowing I will always have a friend to lean on and talk to. I've been asked numerous times if having my siblings as some of my best friends get annoying since they know all of my business. My answer is always no, of course. I love the fact that not only can I go to them for anything, but they're always honest about what they have to say or how they feel.

Kat getting kisses from Becca and James. (She looks like she really loves it!)
And of course Suzanne is cheesing it! :)

All of us now! I can't believe how old we're's weird! 

9. Valuing non-material/material things seemed to come a lot easier.

Valuing the simple things in life came very easy for my siblings and me. (On a side note, I'm not saying small families don't value the simple things in life.) Being from a larger family can be challenging at times. Often, in many instances while growing up, I (and I'm sure my siblings) found I would have to give and take or do without something because we just couldn't have it -- you get where I'm going....

Our parents always taught and still teach us the value of our faith, family, relationships, saving up and just life in general. Having the simple lesson of how to value the important things in life is something I will always cherish that I am forever grateful that my parents and family have instilled in us.

10. Your house is always the place to be...usually.

I remember growing up and my siblings constantly had friends over at the house. Of course, being the youngest I thought it was awesome to have older kids to "hang" out with and look up to. Our house became the house to go to after school, sporting events and especially during those long summer days. We were so lucky to have parents with open arms to every one of our friends. Knowing friends and family are welcome at all times is always a plus and I think we did a great job of doing that! :)

Although this list may be different for others, this sums up what it was like for me during my younger years. I'm still constantly thanking God for blessing me with such a big family surrounded with love and support. The older all of us get, the closer we get (regardless of how far apart we live from one another.)

So my challenge to you is to reflect on your life for a bit. What was it like growing up when you were a kid? Is your family similar to mine? Different? Share your thoughts below, I would love to know more about you!

As always with love,
Rachel <3

Monday, October 27, 2014

Just Another Manic Monday!

Greetings, you gorgeous people, you!

Last week was quite a fun and eventful week! As I told you before, I had a Phi Beta Lambda conference that I attended over my fall break. It was nice to get back into the swing of things with PBL. We had a break off session that consisted of taking a couple tests dealing with business. I took a Business Marketing skills test and jokingly thought I'd place. Low and behold, I ended up getting third in the test! It was a good time! :)

Such a fun group of people!

Ashley and I at dinner! Love this girl!
Ashley and Cody got married this past weekend. Not only was the weather beautiful, but the wedding was absolutely amazing. There was so much love in the air, it was just great! I am so blessed to have had the chance to stand by Ashley on her wedding day and witness a sacrament full of love, joy and happiness that brings so many people together.

I had the great pleasure of attending grade school with Ashley as a young lady. There are so many memories between the two of us. From fighting to being that shoulder to cry on, we've been through it all. Who knew there could be so much drama in grade school? At a little Catholic school for that matter, haha. ;) Ashley is one of those friends where we can pick up exactly where we left off, even if we don't see one another for a couple months. I have definitely been blessed to call this girl one of my best friends since Kindergarten. 

What's really cool about this is that I also went to school with Cody! Our friendship wasn't as close Ashley and I's, but we always kept in touch throughout high school. When Ashley first told me her and Cody were dating I said, "Cody Williams??" I'm sure she thought I was crazy for saying that, but I am so happy that they found each other and are happier than ever! It's been an honor getting to see them grow as a couple and now as one! I am entirely grateful to be a part of this amazing journey God has paved out for her and Cody.


All the bridesmaids during rehearsal dinner! Cody's family made the hall so beautiful!

Who knew a bridal party could be so close? Such gorgeous ladies!
Just a couple hours before the bid "I do!"

A classic pic with my amazing parents! I love these folks! :)

During the week, Suzanne and Brandon came up from Dallas to visit for the whole week. I am so glad we got to see them two and had a full week to spend time with them. I also got to meet the newest edition of the Reischman family last week! Christian is a little over two months old. It was so nice to finally give him some snuggly wugglys! :D

He's a teenage mutant ninja turtle! How adorable?

The family also took a nice day trip to Six Flags for Rolen's birthday. I found out the next morning that my body is too old for the coasters... ;/ haha. We did have a great time and I think Rolen enjoyed the fact that everyone got to spend his birthday with him at SIX FLAGS! That kid is something else! :) Check out the pics from our adventurous day!

These two never fail to bring a smiles and laughter to anyone. I wonder who they take after? ;)

Had such a fun time on the American Thunder ride! One of my favorites!

This weekend I get to Becca, Josh and the little rascal (Isaiah.) It's been too long! :) I can't wait to see all the nieces/nephews dressed up for Halloween! I hope you enjoyed catching up with me and what's going on in my life. For now, that's all folks!

Have a blessed rest of the week!
With love,
Rachel <3

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Life is a huge rollercoaster, ya might wanna hold on....

A lot of great stuff has been happening in my life right now. The past month has flown and I cannot believe fall break is already here. My midterms didn't really consist of exams, but a lot of papers. I have so many papers to write in the next week, my brain might blow up.... :( On a more positive note, I have a Phi Beta Lambda Conference this weekend! And next week is one of my best friends' wedding! I can't believe it's almost already here. So much to do in so little time! Haha. :)

Homecoming Week was a little over two weeks ago and for those who know, I was the President of the planning committee. As much stress I had the few weeks prior to Homecoming I could not have been more blessed with such an amazing group of college students to help plan and implement the events throughout the week.

We hosted a karaoke night along with a trivia game night to kick off Homecoming week! Both of these events were fairly new to Homecoming and they turned out to be a success! Definitely look forward to bringing these two activities back.The committee also held events like the talent show, field day and the spirit rally along with the traditional Homecoming parade the morning of the football game. Let's just say it was a blast! Go Redhawks! :)

In the Admissions Office, one of my main duties is to help coordinate Show Me Days. Assigning duties, tours, etc. are the fun things I get to do! It can be super stressful, especially when you have 60+ student ambassadors to match up in perfect order throughout the day. :)

If you didn't know, Southeast Show Me Day gives prospective students the opportunity to see the campus, speak with faculty/staff, eat free food and much more! Overall, it's a nice way for high school students to see what college is all about and what Southeast can offer them.

My boss also brings donuts in the morning for the tour guides to eat.....anddddd I kind of sort of have a crazy obsession with donuts. They are so disgustingly fattening, but I could eat them for breakfast every single day. Fortunately, I don't eat these every day or I'd be huge!

Since life has been so busy here lately, I've been trying to take time for myself. Whether it's reading a book, enjoying some coffee or even taking a short nap (which rarely happens any more) I try and do a little something for me throughout the day! It's important to slow down and take in what is surrounding you. This brings me to the quote below. The older I get the more I realize how true this statement is and how important it is to let God do His thing and be OKAY with it. :) I'm super stubborn, so this isn't easy for me! I'm learning though, haha. 

I hope you enjoyed the read! I'm sorry I've been neglecting you all, that's not my intention. :) Enjoy the rest of your week and remember, let God do His thing....He's got it under control, I promise!

God Bless,

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Try Something New Tuesday!

I know I've been pretty absent in the past month, but I'm still here, no worries! I have been extremely busy and I'll catch you up later about everything. :)

For now....I've got a new recipe that you should try! It's super simple and super yummy!

Granola Bites! They're to die for. :)

I'm a huge stickler for trying new recipes, especially when I'm in desperate need of something sweet. I've been looking for healthy, on the go snacks I can take with me to work and class. I went Pinterest crazy and found a couple recipes to play with and granola bites is one of them! If you're looking for something easy that isn't time consuming you should try these:

No Bake Granola Bites:

1 1/2 cup oats
1/2 cup peanut butter (I used both crunchy and creamy for more texture)
1/2 cup rice crisps
1/4 cup honey
1/3 cup dark chocolate chips
Salt - just a pinch!

Yummy goodness!

 What's so awesome about this kind of recipe is you can literally do whatever you want with it. Like cranberries? Put those in there! Sunflower seeds? Throw those in there too! Literally people, you can put anything in these bites and it becomes magical!

I've already thought of other ways to make these different and even a tad bit healthier! Flax seed and possibly dry peanut butter would add a nice touch!

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

We All Have Pet Peeves....What's Yours?

I have composed a list of my top five pet peeves. To say the least, this was actually difficult for me. I find myself a pretty easy going person, but certain things just drive me crazy! These aren't in any particular order either, but here goes!....

#1: People who lack communication.

I'm not talking about people who don't care to be around other people. I am referring to the kinds of human beings who literally do not know how to communicate. Whether it's via email, text, verbally or even snail mail it is not that hard to communicate with others. In order to survive in this ever-so-fast-paced world that we live in, we have to learn how to communicate and converse with one another. People who 'talk around' issues or avoid conflict drive me bonkers. Or even when people can't have a simple conversation like, "How are you?", "I'm great, you?" On a side note, I miss the simplicity of a phone call or even a coffee date to talk. Nowadays I feel like it's socially unacceptable when I call my family just to catch up and talk to them for no reason...the struggle is real.

#2: Leaving sinks/tubs dirty.

Whether there is hair at the bottom of the tub, toothpaste dried up on the side of the bathroom sink or food particles stinking up the sink/drain, I can't stand it. This has got to be one of my biggest pet peeves. No one wants to take a shower with hair clogging up the tub or brushing their teeth in a filthy sink. It's disgusting. Just clean it up.

#3: People who treat others like they're stupid...

Giving someone advice or simply asking them if they need help with something is not that hard. I can not deal with people who make others feel dumb...all. the. time. Instead of saying, "You know, there's definitely a better way to do that," you could say, "Hey, could I show you another way to do that? I find it easier." Life is all about learning new things, whatever they think before you approach someone with a snooty comment.

#4: Snooty people.

Speaking of making snooty comments... People who constantly have their nose in the air. Ugh, it's the worst. How does your neck not hurt from profusely having your nose sticking up to the glorious high heavens above?! Are you sniffing for air? There's plenty to go around. Get your nose out of the air, your neck is going to snap. No but seriously, I will never understand people who walk around like others owe them something. I came from a background where you treat others as you want to be treated, and that you're just as equally awesome as everyone else. There's not need to trot around like you're soooo fannnnc-y.

#5: Laziness.

Our world is split into thirds.... You've got people who are just flat out lazy and don't care about their life or where they're headed. Then you've got people who work their tails off to get what they want to be happy and successful. And then you've got people who don't lift a finger because everything is handed to them because they know somebody who knows someones uncle who golfed with someones boss who knows a man from England who used to dog sit for a family that owns the most successful car dealership in the world.... Okay, but's not that hard to get what you want by working hard. I realize not everything is peachy-keen and may not work out exactly the way it's supposed to, but being realistic about what you want in life and working hard doing it will get you far!

This may have come off a little strong, but I am passionate about a lot of things and pet peeves are one of them. You get me going and I'm not stopping! ;)

Since I threw my pet peeves out there, I want to hear about yours! Comment below and let me know what drives you up the wall. Remember there are no hard feelings as to how we feel, we all have our own pet peeves.

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Let your craftiness break freeeeee!

Hey everyone! I hope you've been enjoying this beautiful weather we've been having! I wish it was sunny and breezy all year round. I have been pretty busy with work the past couple days, so I have been slacking on my blog...I sowwy :/

But, I have some cool things to show you! In my last blog I talked about a bachelorette party I went to in Memphis. Did I mention it was a BLAST! ;) We had such a great time which brings me to tell you what I did for the girls who went that weekend.

I made 'Hangover Survival Kits'. They were too cute and fun to have! I think they enjoyed them, or at least I hope they did. I wanted to give a little insight about how I pieced these together and how you can too! (You never know if you'll need to make them.)

For a total of seven hangover bags, it cost me about $30 which I thought was pretty reasonable for what was included. I am a huge bargain shopper, so most items were on sale and others I already had around the house. Check it out:

**Keep in mind, this is something that you can make with your own twist. Get creative!**

Materials needed: 

Cute Bag (I bought mine at Michaels. Two for $1.50)
Bottled Water
Band Aids
Ponytail Holders
Mouth Wash
Sleep Mask
Breath Mints
Paper (multiple pieces, whatever colors.)
Nice Felt Pin
Stick Glue

1. Buy materials needed. 
2. Make cute cut-outs for the name tags. I used a corset cookie cutter. ;)
3. Write out the names on the name tags. Make sure to spell everyone's name correctly!
4. Cut pieces of paper (make sure they're big enough to list all items.)
5. Write the list of items on the second piece of paper.
6. Place items in particular order necessary!
7. Tie the name tags onto the bag with ribbon and place the listed items into the bag!

Voila! Hangover Survival Kit

I thought this was a pretty neat idea! I obviously got it from pinterest, but it was fun to put my own personality into making them.

I hope you too, can find inspiration in whatever it is you're crafting, baking or just trying to achieve! May God bless you on this beautiful (late) evening. :)

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

And I Think to Myself....What a Wonderful World. :)

God has truly blessed me these past couple weeks. With becoming an aunt again, to spending a weekend in Memphis and much more, I would say I am one lucky gal in this huge world we have. So I apologize for my absence, I have just been so busy with work, class and everyday things life has thrown at me since my last post. I will try to make this short and sweet, but with so much going on and having so much to tell you that may be hard to do. ;) Plus, if you know me well at all, you know I don't mind talking a lot, hahaha. :D

I got to see my sister Becca and Josh along with baby Isaiah. It was so nice to see them! Although it had only been a couple weeks, it felt like forever, haha. I'm so glad to know they're settled into their new home and can't wait to visit (hopefully soon). :)

I also got to enjoy the arrival of the newest edition to our family. Sarah and Gabe had their first baby on July 31st. Her name is Gwen Cheryl Seabaugh! She is nothing but precious and spoiled already. Ekkk I love babies. :)

I can't get over how beautiful she is! She's definitely
her mommy's baby. She reminds me of Sarah so much. :)

I also got to enjoy another getaway to Memphis for a bachelorette party. I'll be a bridesmaid in a friends' wedding this fall! Ashley and I have been friends for quite awhile now - since Kindergarten to be exact. We've had so many ups and downs and 'twirl-arounds' the past 15 years. We may not see each other much, but when we do we're right where we left off before then. I think those kinds of friends are the best to have in life. :)

Such a lively place on Beale Street!

The infamous 'Coyote Ugly' bar. We had so much fun in the place!
Lots of dancing, drinking and riding the bull!

We headed to Memphis Saturday afternoon and stayed until Sunday afternoon. It was such a blast! I made all girls 'hangover survival kits' (I'll blog a 'how-to' later). Along with that, I made a picture frame for Ashley with a great picture of us girls. (I'll post later too!) We got to enjoy the fun and energetic atmosphere of good ole' Beale Street and all the glory it brings with it. We enjoyed going to Wet Willie's, Coyote Ugly, a karaoke bar and more. :) We probably had too much fun!

Most of the bridesmaids (some weren't of age so they didn't go ;)
T-shirts say "Something borrowed, something blue, partying hard, before she says I do!"

On the back it says "Bridesmaid" and the number
is how many years we've known Ashley! Such a cute idea!

These past couple weeks have made me realize just how lucky I am to have the people that I have in my life. God really does know what He's doing, regardless of the questioning and fear we throw at Him. Although situations may fall into place at an inconvenient time, He shows us day after day why things happen the way they do and I couldn't be more blessed because of that!

I hope you enjoyed catching up with what has been going on in my life and I can't wait to post again soon! As always, thanks for reading up on my blog and my life. It makes my heart all warm and fuzzy inside to know people receive comic relief, inspiration or whatever the case may be from my blog! 

God Bless!
- Rachel